Monday 31 March 2014

Drawing term 1

life drawing

 Life Drawing

for the start of drawing we have done life drawing. In life drawing we learnt different techniques to draw the human form and break it down in to its simplest form. After practising these techniques I have learnt how to break down and just see it as shapes, rather than certain objects, like an arm becomes a shape rather than an arm.

Journey project

moving on to more resent work, our new project is called journey and is based on personal journey we go on and represent them into an art form of some kind by creating drawings from this. my journey project started by me going out into different environments and observing different things that stand out in the environment.

I have been out and took pictures of my journey and also produced some observational drawings from my surroundings. I looked into how I can draw these drawings and looked at what stood out in the environment like things that don't exactly blend in very well. I found some buildings that I liked and used some 2 point perspective to draw these buildings as I think it makes them look more bold and shows how they stand out in the environment there placed in.the top left image is a drawing of the building opposite Portland building. I liked the 2 point perspective from this angle and gives the building more impact of standing out in the environment.

I am creating more perspective drawings but within a shorter time limit. I have created some quick observational drawings using just simple line drawings and marker pens to quickly show darker areas and lighter areas in the environment.

 I have been looking at some sketch books from when I did art foundation for ideas on what artist to do for my presentation. one which I really liked was Tim Knowles movement drawings ( a piece of his work bellow). I like how he created drawings using things in the environment which links in to my environment drawings. I think the presentation went well but I need to slow down when speaking which I think will happen with enough practice.

After doing my presentation and looking into Tim Knowles work again I think I am going to do some work by creating drawings from movement on journeys I've been on by creating gadgets and devices that track my movement during the during the journey. I have done movement drawings before by sending a parcel to my home address that I have constructed. this drawing on the left is the finished drawing which was masking taped to the box. to get the drawings I created a small box and put 2 pence coins on both side of the small box to give weight to it so it didn't just flip over on its side. I then made a hole in the middle of the box and pushed a doubled ended sharpened pencil so that as the large box was bashed about the small box with the pencil inside drew the movement that it was going along its journey back to its original destination. I have also done vehicle such as car, plane and train drawings. I did these by resting a journal on my knee and holding a pencil in one hand and letting the movement of the vehicle draw out the journey. below are my drawing i have produced using different way of recording movement.

A photo I took of this man and his dog following a train that I laid out as you can see bellow. The man and the dog both stayed with in the lines with out sub consciously knowing that there journey was changed and manipulated and went where I wanted them to go. It may not look like a form of drawing but I am drawing out a path and wanting people to follow it.

Now that I have done my talk on Tim Knowles I have experimented with ways that I can draw movement. I have made a small box and placed a doubled ended pencil through it and masking taped it in place. I have recorded movement by just going on simple journeys to and from town by placing my box in my bag. after gathering a small series of drawings i then recorded movement when I was on a train by placing my phone on my lap and placing my finger on top of the screen and letting the train movement guide my finger on the screen. this created some heart beat style drawings. From these ideas I have used a shoe box and put my double ended pencil in to the shoe box, cling filmed around it to make it water proof and my next idea leaded me to the canal. I placed my shoe box into the canal and let the tide create the drawings.

This image here is a drawing I have done digitally. I have looked in to other ways of creating movement by using sounds. I chose to combine it over the drawing as it is of a singer who creates sounds by singing and the decibels she produces creates movement in waves similar to my movement drawings.

This image is a drawing I have done digitally. this one is to do with recording sound. I have chosen certain images that I have drawn and combined them with the movement drawings. they symbolize the sounds that are created in certain environments that you hear. For example the wolf represents wilderness and nature and I have over lapped the line drawings to represent how sounds might look if they were represented as drawings. The image above this of the singer, she represent sounds we make when we communicate with on and other and see how is varies from sounds that animals and nature make.

For me to improve on this idea and take it further I can look into ways of recording different sounds in different environments and getting these sounds to convert into lines that represent the sound made. The image above which is another drawing I have done digitally. these lines are to represent the sounds that are produced from a TV. The person is from the film 'Iron man' which I chose to represent the TV sound movement as he is an actor of TV. 

This is another drawing I have done and blended it with movement lines. Like the one above its movement that is represented with sound to produce lines that I have blended with the actor of the Movies on TV. I have also added the original drawing with out the added line movement drawings.

This drawing I have done of my dog is a combination of sound and physical movement. It represents the noises that animals make. It also marks the end of my train journey and what I looked forward to seeing at the end of it, which was my dog. the lines where made while I was on my train back home for the Christmas holidays. To create these drawing/ paintings I used my touch screen laptop and the software I used was Adobe Sketchbook Pro. They started of as drawings but I developed then further trying to get them realistic.

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