Monday 31 March 2014

seminar presentations

What is art?

Art can be a creative way of expressing emotions using different mediums that effect the viewer
Art can be anything as it is what catches the viewers eye
Art stimulates different parts of the brain
People related them selves with certain pieces of art if their experiencing a similar situation that is being portrayed before them.
We create our own meanings and messages behind each work of art therefore art is judged by our individual opinions

Documentation presentation 

London artists inspired Presentation 

Artist that I have chosen to speak about in my presentation are a range of different types of art. 

This artist that I have chosen to look at was an artist I saw at frieze gallery in London. What I liked about this work is the rough and cracked edges of the paint. When I was viewing the work at first I thought it was paint on an canvas but from closer inspection it was actually a photograph on a canvas of the artists painting. The work is like an illusion as it appears to be coming off the canvas.

This artists work is all digital based. I really like this work because its a different  approach at art. After studying the game art course here at DMU last year I know how tough it is to create art digitally and does take some skill and getting use too. The bottom right photo of a painting of a beach is done digitally using a graphics tablet. I have done digital paintings my self and i find them very bizarre. Naturally we put a pencil, pen or paintbrush on to our materiel and look at what were doing and where our hand is drawing but with a graphics tablet drawing on a board and looking at the monitor is hard to get use to and feels abnormal. 

This artist I saw in Berlin and I was captivated by this work because of how delicate the drawings were compared to all the big paintings which surrounded this artists work. The bottom right one looks photo realistic like an old photograph that's fading away. The drawings of people have a cartoony comic look about them. I'm guessing when the artist created theses drawings he studied the environment to capture the reactions and personality of the people surrounding him.

This artist was another that I saw in Berlin the thing I liked about this work was the scale of the painting and detail through out the whole painting. The painting was about 6 foot tall or maybe a bit taller and  when going close to the painting one can see all the fine detail the artist has put into the drawing. The top left section of the painting, was a small section of the painting that was really detailed and it showed every strand of hair the fellas heads. I remember standing there looking for small mistakes the artist could have made but me personally I couldn't spot any.

Cy Twombly is an artist I don't really understand. these photos i took of his work were huge in scale and were about 10 foot tall. I saw these in a gallery in Berlin but me personally I don't really like them and don't think that it was the right place for that type of art. The other art that was displayed was all based on the Holocaust and Berlin based artists. It was near Robert Rauschenberg work which were large scale collage painting that he had created and some Andy Warhol as well.

This is another artist I saw in Berlin sadly I cant remember the name of this artists and have searched for it on the internet but cant find them. I took these photos in a gallery in Berlin. It appears that i'm stood in a large room taking these pictures, when in actual fact I took these photos by putting my camera in small square holes of this huge concrete block. In side the holes there were other holes that were lit up by light through different holes, which gave the illusion of rooms and corridors.

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