Thursday 15 May 2014

contextual research

Jane Prophet 

Re-introducing the Avenue at Petworth House: still number 4

Jane Prophet is a landscape digital artist who brings digital life together to produce a virtual landscape that looks believable. she was mentioned to me during the group crit. I really like how she makes these virtual landscapes that from first glance look real. closer inspection does reveal that these are in fact digital renders that she mas made using some digital soft ware similar to 3DS max. she is using the theme of trickery by tricking the viewer at first glance which is the rout I have gone down but still with a personal connection that i previously started with. 

Re-introducing the Avenue at Petworth House: still from start

this image looks really believable but if u look closely you can see that the trees are not really real. and I think the building in the back ground might be unreal to. This is the effect she is after as I can tell what is 100% real and unreal in the photo image. 

Re-introducing the Avenue at Petworth House: still number 5

in this image you can tell that the trees are not real as all the leaves are similar in colour and size but its good for producing imaginary landscapes and seeing what works well with the environment what what doesn't. in a way when writing the essay fro art history about what was a environment this shows that it can literately be anything and doesn't actually exist but only with in our mind what we think looks nice and works well. so an environment or landscape is something that we try to make look visually pleasing making her skills valuable in the landscape industry as they will rely on this as it saves time and produces quick compositions and outcomes.

to view more of her work follow the below link 

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