Thursday 15 May 2014


my drawing project for term 2 was set on a self person feel but within a political theme.

My first starting point was to look at different ways that people are effected by the government. I was looking at how normal people who are not rich get effected by the decision these people make.

these images are images that inspired my theme of homeless to start of with and how these people have nothing but can something as simple as there pet dogs company keeps them happy through hard times. these images are of Google images. I then drew some observation study's from these images i got of the internet as a starting point. 

these quick 30 minute drawings were done on Adobe SketchBook Pro 6 which I drew on my laptop. these are just study's from the photos i got from Google search. from this I am going to take some of my own photos and try to get some homeless people or people who stand out from what we call the normal. I think it horrible that people from a lesser class are treated a lot more different from people of a richer ethnic. 

if you watch the link below you can see how people of different classes get treated a lot different just based on the money a person owns. all though it is staged it shows how people don't care for those who have less money to their names and this is how the government treats all of us people who pay taxes and are not of the rich and live in mansions. 

I was thinking of a way to contrast this idea and show different emotions from my drawings based on different photos I catch of people with out them knowing.

this photo I have taken was in Liverpool. the man in the back ground was an homeless man who was selling the article magazines for the homeless to earn him self a bit of money. you can see how the people just walk past him ignoring him because of his status. this man selling these magazines is treated very different to how the people who i saw who were advertising some thing who were dressed in suits just around the corner from where i was stood. the man in the suit had loads of people interested in what he was selling. this is all apart of the fact that people don't want to be associated with people who they feel are lessing them them selves due to a status of a person and what there wearing.

the large group of people was a group of older people striking about their pensions being effected. although its a different theme from the homeless man and the older people striking its a different energy towards the thing there working for. the homeless man is asking for a bit of money so he can buy some food whereas the pension strikers are after a rise or for them to not be effected by the government taking away money from them. both of them are in these positions because of decisions that higher authority people have made causing suffering and misery to a lot of people across the country just to give them selves more money, at the stake of making many suffer.

In the top photo is a man how is maybe under the influence of alcohol. all though people straight away judge this man as a crazy guy or drunken fool, they don't know the story and back ground behind this man and why he is in the state he was in during this time. He is similar to this guy from my home ton who is known as the dancing man. he is liked by many but known as the dancing man because he spends most of his time on the streets or this certain corner of a dragway lane dancing and playing his guitar usually in a drunken state though. I have met this guy before when walking my dog and he is a nice man but you wouldn't think that at first glance. I also found out a lot about his past that i never knew that he told me him self and from other family members of his. the reason why he has reverted to drink was to take away the pain of an incident that happened many years ago. He was an x solder juggernaut who served in the war at Afghanistan. there was an attack on a certain hotel that he found him self going to as it was being taken by terrorists. when he went in after the building was cleared he found his family his wife and children slaughtered, they were taken hostage in the building which he did not know. It was a surprise for him for his birthday that he drinks away the horrid memories away every day. From this story of one guy shows that every person has a story and back ground and just because of some ones clothes or money mean that we should judge them any less as we are all humans and all equal. the photo under it was a homeless man with his dog which i took in Liverpool. I gave him some money and he was a very nice man as well and his dog was adorable to with a little scarf on its head and surrounded by treats that were bought for it by people which shows some people do have respect for those who own less than us.

the above image was an image I sneakily took on the trip to London Freeze gallery. It was taken from in a Starbucks cafe. All of the people in the Starbucks were either students or work people dressed in suits. the above image shows a man in a suit looking very smug. these are to contrast with the poorer people photos and you can see how these people dress and act different with less stress on there mind that the homeless people have. even though u think they have less stress as they don't have bills to pay but in actual fact they stress about when there gonna have there next mean or how cold its going to be and if they can feed there pets if they have any or if they have children when they will see them again. the bottom photo shows a man on his laptop looking depressed yet he has every thing the poor guy doesn't like a house to go home to and food in his fridge the luxury of a laptop and expensive clothes.  

these photos taken from the same Starbucks show a similar emotion to the guy in the suit crossing the round as they look very smug on there phones. 

these drawings I have done using Adobe Sketchbook Pro 6 again but from by won photos. i also experimented with colour to see the colour pallet of the people that were richer and poorer. these were just simple quick 30 minute drawings.

after visiting Liverpool Museum I taken photos of famous political leaders from over the centuries. these I think were Roman time political leaders. the busts of their heads were made over 2000 years ago so it was capturing how they dressed and styled over 2000 years ago and how we have changed in structure. 

these drawings are location sketches that i quickly drew and then redrew them in sketchbook pro. I was looking at different places that represented this country over centuries. i think that the church that you can see that's over 2000 years maybe strongly contrasts with the Greek looking building of the New Walk museum in Leicester. the church was round the corner of the museum. you can see how these 2 buildings are very different and different people would of attended these 2 type of structures. the church would welcome any body of any class where as the Greek building looks like a more political building that richer people would of attended over the past 100 years. I kept just some colours that represented that colour pallet of the area and building. 

I put the images in Adobe Illustrator and used Live trace to give the image a single tone image. it also abstracts the image a bit more than the previous drawing. the image becomes  more bolder and only picks out dominant lines.

I have put my location drawings on these flag back ground to play around with different back grounds and the flag that represents that structure.

I have put my drawings on to these back grounds that are images of flags which I have got of Google search and combined it with my drawings to take away the plain back ground. the union jack obviously represents Great Britain and the yellow and red one is the flag of Rome which represents my drawing of the roman leader.

I have now placed my drawings in to Adobe Illustrator again but tried to make them even simpler by removing all the different texture in from the drawing. I used the different effects in live trace and showed in 3 steps from going from detailed to just one tone and texture drawing. I feel like the bolder ones that are just one tone are more effective and still manage to show the emotions present in my drawings that i wanted to captivate.

these drawings was inspired by an article I saw in the newspaper about younger children being exposed to violent videos games. My own review on this idea of how this is what has raised the % of people killing other people over the past so many years is based on how some one is raised and the back grounds they get raised such as richer on poorer. I my self ~I have played computer games for many years since i was young and played violent games through my child hood but i grew up with a loving and caring family that has supported me through my whole life. I have never once wanted to hurt any one in any way so I think that is claim is incorrect and is down to the up bringing of the child that will effect and influence the person they are when they become an adult. I wasn't allowed to go out past certain times as my mum would worry about me and i think that my generation and the generation to come is very different from my mums and the past generations as people didn't hear about people killing each other every day on the news in so many forms as they didn't exist then so people didn't worry as much.

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